Mosquitoes at home, how to get them out immediately: they enter right here


How to work on drain pipes.

To intervene in the drainage pipes, the first thing to do is remove the organic waste because although no one would ever say it, the  dirt accumulated  inside the pipes attracts mosquitoes more than anything else.

To remove dirt, the use of a wire brush or pipe cleaner is recommended, which are used to scrape deeply and remove stubborn organic deposits. Next, heat the water over the heat and pour it  into the drain  to try to eliminate the remaining residue.

You can also use bleach, vinegar or ammonia, which however do not remove dirt effectively  and are therefore unreliable.

A second idea for cleaning the drain is to use an enzymatic cleaner that has a foaming action. It is used when the previous method does not work or is not sufficient. In fact, this method corrodes the organic substances present, solving the  problem  once and for all.

So all you have to do is buy an enzymatic cleaner at a hardware store or supermarket, pour it into the drain and let it sit overnight. Then pour boiling water down the drain and you’re done.

Compared to liquid detergent this is phenomenal,  a solution that really works in any situation and circumstance. 

If you don’t want to run the risk of damaging the environment, you just have to get an enzymatic detergent with a low environmental impact that does not contain toxic elements and this problem is also solved.

In any case  , correct habits must be acquired,  for example, every night you should pour hot water into the kitchen sink drain to clean it and remove food remains and anything else.

With the exception of the products mentioned above, it is best to avoid spilling any products of a different nature. You can  try bleach, vinegar and ammonia  in small doses but be careful because these can also corrode the pipes, especially if they are old, cast iron.

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