Beware of these foods when reheating! Choices that can be dangerous


Tip: Stir chicken in the microwave to ensure it heats evenly and always check that the internal temperature is above 75°C.

4. Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum)
Cooked potatoes left to cool at room temperature can be dangerous, as Clostridium botulinum can grow and produce toxins that cause botulism, a serious illness affecting the nervous system. Reheating potatoes does not always eliminate this toxin.

Tip: Store cooked potatoes in the refrigerator and heat them in a pan or oven to ensure they heat evenly.

5. Fish (various species)
Reheating fish not only affects its texture and flavor, making it dry, but can also increase the risk of food poisoning if not stored properly. Bacteria such as Listeria monocytogenes can grow in improperly refrigerated fish.

Tip: Avoid reheating fish in the microwave. Use the oven or a frying pan for more even heating.


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